06 June 2009

I'm Unlucky One :( :( :(

Okay, today tersangat la boring. *sigh* Perkara yang sama selalu iqa buat. Shit! Mama selalu jewp bebels. Penat ouh asik dengar mama bebel jewp. *wat tatao suda la kn?* Mama, stop membebels ouh. I know mama hate me. Mama pernah cakap macam tu dekat iqa kn. And mama said iqa like BOSIAH, SIAL ,STUPIDO. OMG! I dont believe that!! :( :( :(

I am quiet very sad when i hear like that. Yeah, you're right. Maybe iqa ni memang selalu menyusahkan mama. I am so sorry mama. Ouh, i don't want to crying. Enough iqa enough. Stop crying. Don't cry please. *Soblings* Iqa baru jewp lepas menangis right. Please don't cry again babe.

*Urh* Kalau la boleh menjerit sekuat hati untuk melepaskan sesak didada ni. *Ceh ayat* Aduh, someone help me please!! >;(( Menyampah! Benci! Arghhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!
*Jerit kat sini pown jadi la ea?Haha* Hmm. Why everyone angry with me?? Hate me?? What my fault?? Iqa benci hidup dalam situasi macam ni!!!! Help me please?? >;((

p/s: Mama, if you hate me. Kill me ma!
I know you don't love me. Mama lebih sayangkan adik-adik dari iqa bukan? >;((

04 June 2009

Tukar Lagi ((:

tukar lagi??ap yg tukar??ekekke..nombor la yunk!nape iqa tukar nombor??jgn bnyak tnye la..hahaha..sesuke ati ite la nk tukar nombor ke ta..bueckk! >;p ..lau nk nombor iqa..juz gtao iqa yewp..tpi tpi..lau da dpt nombor iqa tu...dilarang ckp lucas oke..and and jgn nk jual² nombor iqa plk..grr.....WTF!ta suke ta suke!n jgn nk bnyak tnye..meluat den....sape da ad nombor lame iqa tu n nk no bwu iqa..juz gtao jewp eak...hmm..mesty ad yg marah sbb iqa suke sgt tukar nombor an?biar la kowg na marah...nk marah..marah la..iqa pedulik ap...huh...

03 June 2009

Ladies Ladies Ladies (:

Hey Ladies!

Sudah kubilang jangan terlalu yakin
Mulut lelaki banyak juga tak jujur
Bila sakit hati wanita bisanya nangis

Sudah ku bilang jangan terlalu cinta
Kalau patah hati siapa mau nolong
Seperti langit dan matahari tak bersatu lagi

Hey ladies jangan mau di bilang lemah
Kita juga bisa menipu dan menduakan
Bila wanita sudah beraksi dunia hancur

Hey ladies sekarang cinta pakai otak
Jangan mau rugi hati dan juga rugi waktu
Bila dia merayumu ingat semuanya bohong

Memanglah tak semua lelaki busuk
Namun ladies tetaplah harus waspada
Semogalah kita semua akhirnya
Mendapatkan cinta yang tulus

Sudah kubilang jangan terlalu yakin
Mulut lelaki banyak juga tak jujur
Bila sakit hati wanita bisanya nangis

so...ladies² sekalian..jgn terlalu caye cgt kt laki² skang ni..dowg tu bkn nye leyh caye 100%..an an??&& mulot laki tu bknnye leyh caye cgt..laki ni tao pndai mengayat jewp..tpi tatao ap erti sebenarnya cinta tu..huh..tpi pompuan pown stu...bile laki da mengayat mule la cair... *cewahh..mcm pensyarah ulak..ngee~* mcm ayat dowg tu terlalu power nau..ayat iqa agy power..mwahahahah...BUT..ta sume laki mcm tu oke?Sesetengah saja! utk laki² kt luar sane tu...jgn la suke sgt saket kn ati pompuan..maen² kn prasaan pompuan...kitowg pn ad ati & prasaan mcm kowg...igt..jgn terlalu gopoh dlm soal menyelesaikn masalah...kowg jujur la kt pasangan² kowg tu..bertolak ansur la siket..jgn na salahkn pompuan jewp..na pompuan fhm kowg...tpi kowg ta fhm kitowg neyh!huh hampeh...eee..geram neyh..ghee~ hah..bak kate iqa... "Ap pndang pndang??klau suke kate suke..klau ta suke..kate ta suke!!" *ekkkekkek* (:

02 June 2009

Hujan Ouh Hujan

hujan yg tuwonn bagaikn mutiara!!! hujan!hujan!!adess..hujan plk.... pd suatu malam yg sunyi nan sepi..kilat sambar menyambar..lampu tbe² terpadam dek karen ta de.. (dah mule dah..haha) gedebooomm!!!kilat pn berderum (eh tol ke??haha..hentam saja daa :P) adoii..lupekn..mlas iqa nk cite..wakakkaka....pergh..lau tidow ni besh ni..besh besh!lagi² lau sejuk..an an??ghee~ urh..iqa da la dok sowg² kt bwh ni..katak plk memekak..adess..takot weih!!aaaaaaa!!

jom tdow! (kelam kabot iqa nek masok bilek) ekkekeke..seram ouh dok sowg²..daa la..nk tdow....mwahh!gud nyte...suweet dream...iloveyou! ;))

The Boyfriend Every Girl Would Want (:

When you break​ her heart​ - [ the pain NEVER​ reall​y goes away ]
When she misse​s you - [ she'​​s hurti​ng insid​e ]
When she says its over - [ she STILL​ wants​ you to be hers ]
When she repos​ts this bulle​tin - [ she wants​ you to read it ]
When she walks​ away from you mad - [ Follo​w her]
When she stare​'​​s at your mouth​ - [ Kiss her ]
When she pushe​s you or hit'​​s you - [ Grab her and don’t​ let go ]
When she start​'​​s cursi​ng at you - [ Kiss her and tell her you love her ]
When she ignor​e'​​s you - [ Give her your atten​tion]​​
When she pulls​ away - [ Pull her back ]
When you see her at her worst​ - [ Tell her she'​​s beaut​iful ]
When you see her start​ cryin​g - [​​Just hold her and don’t​ say a word ]
When you see her walki​ng - [ Sneak​ up and hug her waist​ from behin​d ]
When she'​​s scare​d - [ Prote​ct her ]
When she lay'​​s her head on your shoul​der - [ Tilt her head up and kiss her ]
When she steal​'​​s your favor​ite hoodi​e - [ Let her keep it and sleep​ with it for a
When she tease​'​​s you - [ Tease​ her back and make her laugh​]​​
When she doesn​’t answe​r for a long time - [ reass​ure her that every​thing​ is okay ]
When she looks​ at you with doubt​ - [ Back yours​elf up with the TRUTH​]​​
When she say'​​s that she like'​​s you - [ she reall​y does more than you could​ under​stand​ ]
When she grab'​​s at your hands​ - [ Hold her'​​s and play with her finge​rs ]
When she bump'​​s into you - [ bump into her back and make her laugh​]​​
When she tells​ you a secre​t - [ keep it safe and untol​d ]
When she looks​ at you in your eyes - [ don’t​ look away until​ she does ]
Stay on the phone​ with her even if she’s​ not sayin​g anyth​ing
DON'​​T let her have the last word
DON'​​T call her hot, But Gorge​ous or beaut​iful is soo much bette​r
Say you love her more than she could​ ever love you
Argue​ that she is the best girl ever
When she'​​s mad hug her tight​ and don'​​t let go
When she says she'​​s ok don’t​ belie​ve it, talk with her
Call her at 12:​​00am on her birth​day to tell her you love her
Call her befor​e you sleep​ and after​ you wake up
Treat​ her like she'​​s all that matte​rs to you
Tease​ her and let her tease​ you back
Stay up all night​ with her when she'​​s sick
Watch​ her favor​ite movie​ with her or her favor​ite show even if you think​ its stupi​d
Give her the world
Let her wear your cloth​es
When she'​​s bored​ and sad, hang out with her
Let her know she'​​s impor​tant
Kiss her in the pouri​ng rain
When she runs up at you cryin​g,​​ the first​ thing​ you say is;
"​​Who'​​s ass am I kicki​ng today​ baby?​​"​​

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